How to Fix an Ingrown Toenail

Acute swelling and pain of ingrown toenail are like something has stabbed your feet real hard. The pain is unbearable. Every time you place your feet on the ground, there are painful shivers down your spine. If you have been the victim, you will understand the unbearable pain. It is most common to toes. And occurs in both male and female.

Remedies to treat an ingrown toenail

Soak your feet in the lukewarm water:

Keep the affected area clean and bacteria-free. Soak your feet in lukewarm soapy water. Repeat the process 4 to 5 times a day for half an hour. You can also add some Epsom salt to the water to fix an ingrown toenail.

Wash it Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic properties. It also has the pain-relieving ability with anti-inflammatory properties. Keep one part apple cider vinegar with purified water. Soak your feet, clean with cotton and make it bacteria-free.

Pack the area with Dental Floss:

Placing the dental floss under the area of your ingrown toenail will shift the nail in a proper direction. Make use of a normal dental floss to prevent you from the burning sensation.  Keep the nail elevated to help it grow out from the skin. The process is a bit uncomfortable but is helpful to treat an ingrown toenail.  

Use Essential Oils:

Essential oils like tea tree oil, clove oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, and a carrier oil and coconut oil are helping in treating an ingrown toenail. A mixture of all the oil provides relief, makes the area clean and helps in how to fix an ingrown toenail.

Antibiotic Ointment:

Antibiotic ointment over the area can help to get rid of an ingrown toenail. It helps in healing properly and also prevents it from further spreading of the infection. Apply the ointment 3 to 4 times a day. Cover the area with a bandage after applying the cream.

Wear Comfortable Shoes or Sandals:

Do not wear tight shoes or sandals. To prevent the pain and bleeding, wear socks and shoes or slippers that are not tight to your feet. Keep your feet as relaxed as possible.

Using a toe protector:

A toe protector acts as a cushion barrier for your ingrown toenails. Available in the form of rings, it fits the affected area to cover the entire toe area. Some come with medicated gel to soften the toenail and get to easily get right of the ingrown toenail. less than the tip of your toe along the same time wear protective footgear. It is always mandatory to keep your nail clean and healthy and free from bacteria and fungus. The more you take care of your nail, the lesser is the chances of such problems.