How Can You Treat Migraine Pain?

Migraine attacks are completely different from normal headaches. Migraine attacks caused moderate to severe headache on one side of the head. It also includes other symptoms. To understand whether you are suffering from migraine, it is better to understand the symptoms or any triggers that you get.

What are the triggers?

The cause of the migraine attack is still not known. There could be the possibility that there is various abnormal activity in the brain that leading to such a problem. Here are some of the common triggers to set off migraines -

Mainly occurring in women, during the time of menstruation. There is an increasing level of hormonal changes.

Migraine could be triggered through different emotional issues like stress, anxiety, depression and so on.

Lack of posture, tiredness, insufficient sleep or physical overexertion could also trigger migraines.

Intake of too much alcohol also triggers migraines.

Certain types of food like chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, and foods contain additive tyramine leading to migraine pain.

Having irregular mealtimes and dehydration could also lead to migraine.

Stuffy rooms, change in temperature, bright lights, strong smells, second-hand smoke and loud noises could also trigger a migraine.


Treatment for migraine mainly focuses on stopping the symptoms and preventing future attacks. Many modifications have been formulating for migraine treatment. There could be two segments of the same. Your treatment depends upon the severity and the frequency of your headaches. This also includes symptoms and other medical conditions.

Medications for relief

This sort of medications is the best when you get to experience the symptoms in the first place. Medications can be used to treat -

Pain Killers - This can include aspirin, ibuprofen. When it takes way too long, this could because the overuse of medication can lead to ulcers and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Migraine relief medications combining caffeine, aspirin and acetaminophen could be helpful. It is effective for mild migraine pain.

There are prescription drugs like sumatriptan (Imitrex, Tosymra) and rizatriptan (Maxalt)  used for migraine pain relief. It could relieve you from pain but should not cause health risks.

Dihydroergotamines (D.H.E. 45, Migranal). Available as a nasal spray or injection. It is highly effective when taken shortly after the start of migraine symptoms. People with coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, or kidney or liver disease should avoid dihydroergotamine.

Lasmiditan (Reyvow). It is a new oral tablet approved for the migraine treatment with or without aura. This medication leaves a dizziness effect which can last up to 8 hours. It should not be taken with alcohol or other drugs.

Opioid medications. Patients who cannot take migraine medications can take this. It is highly addictive. This should only be taken when no other treatments are effective.

Preventive medications

Medications that will help in the prevention against frequent migraines. Your doctors will be prescribing it to you when you suffer from frequent and long-lasting pains. Preventive medication focuses on reducing the effect of migraine attacks. These include -

Blood pressure-lowering medications. Medicines include propranolol (Inderal, Innopran XL, others) and metoprolol tartrate (Lopressor). Calcium channel blockers such as verapamil (Calan, Verelan, others) may help prevent migraines with aura.

Antidepressants., A tricyclic antidepressant (amitriptyline), can help in the prevention against migraines. It also has its set of side effects like sleepiness and weight gain.

Anti-seizure drugs. Valproate (Depacon) and topiramate (Topamax) can help in having less frequent migraines. Its side effects are dizziness, weight changes, nausea and more.

Botox injections. Injections of onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) about every 12 weeks help prevent migraines in some adults.

Conclusion -

Regardless of the medicines, you come across, it is always better to visit a doctor if you are suffering from severe and frequent pain. Your doctor is the only person who will diagnose the root cause and prescribe you with the right medications.

Top 5 steps to clean your car headlights in a systematic way

If you are driving a car, there are some safety features which you must abide with. In this connection headlight plays a vital role. It is very important to keep the headlight keep visible. The headlight has the powerful beam which allows you to see the road. At the same time it makes the other motorist see your vehicle. Thus, it is very important to keep your car’s headlight clean. There are different ways which will define how to clean headlights. In this article we will be able to explain it in detail.

List of things you need for headlight cleaning

In order to clean the headlights you must have some cleaning accessories. It is quite usual that you won’t have those at home. Thus, you need to buy the following:

  • Headlight restoration kit
  • Headlight lens restoration kit
  • 3D white whitening toothpaste
  • Microfiber towel
  • Sandpaper – 400-3000 grit
  • Headlight lens sealer
  • Multi surface painters tape
  • Car washing soap
  • Water

Steps on how to clean headlights

  • Step 1- Wash your headlights

It is very important to have a thorough wash of your headlight lenses. In this connection you will require the car soap and water. Also, it is important to wash the surrounding areas so that it becomes easy to place the tape around the headlight.


  • Step 2- Use the tape

Before sanding your headlights it is very important to protect the surrounding area so that the paint of the car is not affected. You can easily use the painter’s tape that you have collected among the list of the car accessories. You have to take few strands of the tape and put them around your headlights from where the joint as well as the paint area starts.


  • Step 3- Sand away

This is one of the vital steps in car washing process. Take the sandpaper. Now wet it as well as the headlight. Now sand the headlight lens in horizontal or straight strokes. Do not change the direction of sanding. Maintain uniformity. Also make sure you are sanding over the wet surface or else you can get scratches over the lens.


  • Step 4- Polish and wax

You have to dry the surface after sanding. Now take some polishing compound over the microfiber towel. Apply it over the headlights and rub it. Go for the rubbing in circular motion. If you want to do it quickly, use the orbital buffer.


  • Step 5- UV sealant

The next step in headlight cleaning is to apply the UV sealant. You can easily get it in the kit that you have bought from the market. This will remove all the old and oxidized sealant that you have sanded previously.


You are almost done on how to clean headlights. Now check whether you have got any difference after following all these steps of headlights cleaning. Normally, it is obviously that you get visible result. But, in any case if you don’t see any result, you must go for professional help.

Choose the best quality small dog breeds with intellect and playful nature

Most people love to keep pets at home. Dogs are the best creatures with the quality of loyalty and faithfulness. Few people have an opinion that maintaining the small dog breeds will be easier than that of large dog breeds. Thus, people prefer keeping such small dogs at home. They can also be a perfect companion if you or any other member at your home feels lonely. They are very cute and take less space to accommodate. Even if you have less space at your home the small dogs will easily stay happily.

What to know about small dog breeds before adoption?

Before you decide adopting the small dog breeds there are some facts that you must consider.

  • Personality- The adult dogs are already well developed. But, when it comes to puppies accessing their personalities before adopting is an important consideration. The same goes with the small dog breeds. Though each dog breed has different personality knowing about it in advance is an important consideration.
  • Family history and pedigree- You must know about the parents of the pet dog you are adopting. This is an important step before adoption as if the blood line and pedigree of the puppy is strong you can enjoy the features and actual capabilities of the dog breed throughout his growing process.
  • Food habits- You need to take good care of the small dog breed that you are going to bring home. Thus, the type of food which it prefers is an important consideration. You must know this right from the breeder.

Types of small dog breeds

You can now get wide variety of small dog breeds available in the market. Even if they grow up, the size will remain small. Following are some of the types:

  1. Bolognese- This is a dog breed which is small in size and is playful in nature. They are also curious as well as comical in nature. It has origin right from the Italian city of Bologna. Thus, the name is inspired from there.
  2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel- You must have heard the name of dog breed spaniel. This one looks really good and appropriate to get the title, ‘ top tail wagger’. They love to stay with human beings making it a complete lap dog.
  3. Dachshund- These are the special type of small breed dogs who have the nature of fooling human being. They are known as literary legendary critics who are humorous in nature.
  4. Coton de Tulear- If you want the small as well as sweet natured dog, this one will be the one that you can adopt. They follow human being from room to room without allowing them to feel lonely.
  5. Pomeranian- This is one of the cutest small dog breed that are loyal to families. Also, they are quite intelligent and independent bold dogs.

You can now easily get the small dog breeds online. There are renowned breeders who can give you the best quality dogs. A little research before adopting the dog will be wise.


How to Fix an Ingrown Toenail

Acute swelling and pain of ingrown toenail are like something has stabbed your feet real hard. The pain is unbearable. Every time you place your feet on the ground, there are painful shivers down your spine. If you have been the victim, you will understand the unbearable pain. It is most common to toes. And occurs in both male and female.

Remedies to treat an ingrown toenail

Soak your feet in the lukewarm water:

Keep the affected area clean and bacteria-free. Soak your feet in lukewarm soapy water. Repeat the process 4 to 5 times a day for half an hour. You can also add some Epsom salt to the water to fix an ingrown toenail.

Wash it Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic properties. It also has the pain-relieving ability with anti-inflammatory properties. Keep one part apple cider vinegar with purified water. Soak your feet, clean with cotton and make it bacteria-free.

Pack the area with Dental Floss:

Placing the dental floss under the area of your ingrown toenail will shift the nail in a proper direction. Make use of a normal dental floss to prevent you from the burning sensation.  Keep the nail elevated to help it grow out from the skin. The process is a bit uncomfortable but is helpful to treat an ingrown toenail.  

Use Essential Oils:

Essential oils like tea tree oil, clove oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, and a carrier oil and coconut oil are helping in treating an ingrown toenail. A mixture of all the oil provides relief, makes the area clean and helps in how to fix an ingrown toenail.

Antibiotic Ointment:

Antibiotic ointment over the area can help to get rid of an ingrown toenail. It helps in healing properly and also prevents it from further spreading of the infection. Apply the ointment 3 to 4 times a day. Cover the area with a bandage after applying the cream.

Wear Comfortable Shoes or Sandals:

Do not wear tight shoes or sandals. To prevent the pain and bleeding, wear socks and shoes or slippers that are not tight to your feet. Keep your feet as relaxed as possible.

Using a toe protector:

A toe protector acts as a cushion barrier for your ingrown toenails. Available in the form of rings, it fits the affected area to cover the entire toe area. Some come with medicated gel to soften the toenail and get to easily get right of the ingrown toenail. less than the tip of your toe along the same time wear protective footgear. It is always mandatory to keep your nail clean and healthy and free from bacteria and fungus. The more you take care of your nail, the lesser is the chances of such problems.